Placement Tests Intermediários



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É indispensável que os seus dados sejam preenchidos corretamente para que o teste seja aceito e analisado, caso contrário ele será "invalidado".



Nome Completo:









Agora sim o teste!

A. Give the right answer. Mark: a), b), ou c)

A. Selecione a opção correta de resposta: a), b), ou c)


1. How often do you play soccer?



2. Would you live in the USA?



3. My TV is not working. What should I do?



4. What are you looking for?



5. Are they enjoying the party?



6. How much does the sweater cost?



7. How was your trip?



8. Where were the students?



9. Are you going to order pizza?



10. What are you going to do this summer?



11. Can you help me?



B. Mark the statement which is not correct.

B. Marque a opção errada.














C. Answer:

C. Responda:


1. "Este carro custou uma fortuna" in English is?



2. The translation for “Mary usually goes to Mexico on vacation, but this year she went to Peru” is:



3. Which statement is correct:



4. "Como ela se parece?" in English is:



5. Which statement is correct?



6. Jack has black hair.



Heloisa De Carli Assessoria Linguística
Rua Lavapés, nº 51 - Centro - Limeira/SP - CEP: 13.480-760 - Tel: (19) 3443.4845


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